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re---connecting with your body ~ { masterclass }
Part one) Understanding the body dis---connect
welcome to this masterclass & introduction about the body dis---connect (6:12)
why most humans dis---connect from the body (10:15)
Part two) Assessing your own body connection
quiz >>> how connected or dis---connected are YOU from your body? (5:42)
what is the cost of the dis---connect for you? (3:03)
which of these 10 main archetypes are keeping you in your mind vs in your body? (12:42)
Part three) the path to re---connecting with your body (& healing)
4 reasons to choose to re---connect with your body (4:52)
the 3-step path to re---connecting with your body (14:28)
>>> podcast ~ audio (mp3) version
>>> listen to / download the audio version and all the notes here
which of these 10 main archetypes are keeping you in your mind vs in your body?
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