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nourish your roots {body + mind + heart + soul}
~ Nourish Your Roots: the body
>>> guided meditation ~ the body
week #1 ~ getting ready and setting your intentions (moon #1 ~ body)
1..1 welcome and a few important words before we start! (8:11)
1.2 feminine & masculine 101 (and how it relates to nourishment!) (9:45)
1.3 the linear details ~ how it's going to work here each week (5:23)
1.4 choosing your intentions for this journey (do NOT skip this!) (9:38)
1.5 journaling exercises for this week (pdf below) (4:01)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #1
week #2 ~ how to better nourish your body with food (moon #1 ~ body)
2.1 strengthening your connection to your body's inner wisdom (11:21)
2.2 food journaling ~ a new way to look at your relationship with food (7:59)
2.3 reflecting on your food ~ looking at the iceberg below the surface (16:25)
2.4 improving your food habits ~ choosing focus over overwhelm (7:09)
2.5 journaling ~ asking your body about your relationship with food (2:52)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #2 {BODY}
week #3 ~ releasing limiting beliefs about food & your body (moon #1 ~ body)
3.1 strengthening your body trust (6:14)
3.2 uncovering your limiting beliefs about food + your body (7:00)
3.3 how limiting beliefs keep you stuck and how it shows up for YOU (5:41)
3.4 a few words (slash mini-rant) about weight and body size! (16:07)
3.5 upgrading your outdated programming (3:24)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #3 {BODY}
week #4 ~ the other important nutrients for your body (moon #1 ~ body)
4.1 coming back to the body (again, and again, and again!) (6:44)
4.2 the power of consistency & focus (and this week's worksheet) (13:19)
4.3 sleep ~ the 3 most important things to be aware of about your sleep (12:47)
4.4 movement ~ the difference between exercise and movement (7:13)
4.5 adding new nutrients to nourish your body (sleep & movement) (3:31)
BONUS ~ intuitive & embodied movement practice (move with me!)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #4 {BODY}
~ Nourish Your Roots: the mind
>>> guided meditation ~ the mind
week #5 ~ why the thoughts you hear in your head aren't all true (moon #2 ~ mind)
5.1. let's start talking about the mind ~ meet your Inner Mean Girls/Dudes (15:08)
5.2 the 13 Inner Mean Girl/Dude archetypes (which are yours?) (14:03)
5.3 the big fat lies you hear in your mind (13:51)
5.4 your triggers ~ what cause your IMGs to flare up or attack (10:50)
5.5 journaling ~ letting your IMGs speak and accessing your Inner Wisdom (6:38)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #5 {MIND}
week #6 ~ which of these toxic habits and fears are ruling your life? (moon #2 ~ mind)
6.1 reconnecting with our Self & our Inner Mean Girls/Dudes (10:12)
6.2 the healing path & the 4 steps of change (15:32)
6.3 the 33 toxic habits ~ which ones do you have? (13:36)
6.4 which of these 13 fears are keeping you stuck? (7:59)
6.5 what are your Inner Mean Girls/Dudes costing you? (6:28)
6.6 a self-forgiveness practice (do NOT let your IMG/IMD make you skip this!) (6:16)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #6 {MIND}
week #7 ~ better understanding where our thoughts come from (moon #2 ~ mind)
7.1 connection & recap (6:39)
7.2 what you can't be with runs you (13:55)
7.3 their motivation ~ why they stick around (8:25)
7.4 time to see your IMG/IMD in broad daylight! (7:12)
7.5 journaling & a letter to your Self! (6:28)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #7 {MIND}
week #8 ~ deactivating spiraling thoughts & connecting with your intuition (moon #2 ~ mind)
8.1 coming back to our Self, again and again (4:42)
8.2 how your intuition works (15:16)
8.3 how to distinguish between your IMG and your Inner Wisdom (7:40)
8.4 preventative care and how to deactive an IMG attack (13:48)
8.5 journaling and using the 2-step deactivation process (3:12)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #8 {MIND}
~ Nourish Your Roots: the heart
>>> guided meditation ~ the heart
week #9 ~ self-love and its 10 different flavors (moon #3 ~ heart)
9.1 practicing connecting with the heart (13:50)
9.2. what is self-love? - the 10 branches of self-love (18:08)
9.3. take the quiz! which branches are weakest and strongest for you? (4:10)
9.4 how to strengthen your different self-love branches (8:55)
9.5 journal exercises and putting self-love into practice (5:04)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #9 {HEART}
week #10 ~ applying compassion like a healing balm to your heart (moon #3 ~ heart)
10.1 heart connection practice (22:37)
10.2 but what is self-compassion, really? (21:48)
10.3 signs of weak vs strong self-compassion (5:49)
10.4 compassion belongs to the heart, not the mind (11:11)
10.5 journaling & morning love soak practice (8:39)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #10 {HEART}
week #11 ~ moving from rejecting parts of your Self into more acceptance (moon #3 ~ heart)
11.1 connection practice and looking into the closets & drawers (15:50)
11.2 self-acceptance is the opposite of self-rejection (12:26)
11.3 signs of weak vs strong self-acceptance ~ where do you stand? (10:28)
11.4 the mirror of rejection vs the mirror of acceptance (8:01)
11.5 choosing one part of yourself to love back! (9:56)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #11 {HEART}
week #12 ~ building your self-trust muscles to implement changes in your life (moon #3 ~ heart)
12.1 connecting with the emotions in your heart (21:37)
12.2 self-trust and how it is essential to move from self-awareness into change! (15:47)
12.3 signs of weak vs strong self-trust ~ where do you stand? (7:13)
12.4 your self-trust transformation story (6:06)
12.5 three self-trust strenghtening practices (16:49)
NYR podcast /audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #12 {HEART}
~ Nourish Your Roots: the soul
>>> guided meditation ~ the soul
week #13 ~ do you know who you truly are? (moon #4 ~ soul)
13.1 are you ready to hear the whispers of your soul? (21:36)
13.2 who are you? no, really. who are you? (11:44)
13.3 why it matters to know who you truly are at your core (6:19)
13.4 uncovering YOUR core essences ~ what makes you YOU! (12:28)
13.5 this week's piece to add to your map on this journey (3:59)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #13 {SOUL}
week #14 ~ your values as a compass from your soul (moon #4 ~ soul)
14.1 returning home and connecting to all parts of your beautiful Self (13:25)
14.2 are you chasing the form or cultivating the feeling? (13:13)
14.3 our values as a compass from our soul (8:00)
14.4 revealing your values ~ your heart & soul golds! (9:07)
14.5 more breadcrumbs for your map! (4:13)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #14 {SOUL}
week #15 ~ your soul menu (moon #4 ~ soul)
15.1 listening to your soul's whispers (14:28)
15.2 your soul menu and giving yourself permission (13:55)
15.3 why have you stopped dreaming? (12:48)
15.4 adding to your Nourish Your Roots garden (1:31)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #15 {SOUL}
week #16 ~ celebrating the whOle YOU!!! (moon #4 ~ soul)
16.1 connecting with your Higher Self (15:28)
16.2 looking back on the path & reflections (3:56)
16.3 your medicine wheel (4:25)
16.4 celebrating YOU!!!! ~ do NOT skip this! (7:29)
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #16 {SOUL}
NYR podcast / audio ~ mp3 only ~ week #16 {SOUL}
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